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Professional Astrological Natal Report

This is a map of where all the planets were while revolving around the Sun at the exact instance you came into this world. This chart can help reveal your strengths & weaknesses, your opportunities for soul growth and so much more. 

It can reveal your strengths, weaknesses, the lesson you learn in life and the reason you are the way you are. The analysis will provide you with an incredibly detailed and insightful light into each piece of your Natal chart.


Purchasing this report will provide you with an incredibly detailed and insightful work-up of every piece and part that makes up your Natal chart.

You Personal Natal Report will include: 
In-Depth Natal Analysis

Major Life Periods Analysis, Major Transits, Planet Positions, Ascendants & Houses
Birth Chart Wheel 
Chart + Analysis comes to about 36 pages in depth


After placing your order, please include the first and last name of the person the report is for in addition to:


  1. The date of birth - month, day, and year
  2. The exact time of birth. If you do not know the time of birth, you may find it on your original birth certificate or you may call the local office of Vital Statistics in the county you were born in. It is okay to ask your mother as long as she is certain of the time. Remember, your mother was busy giving birth/life to you and in many cases, their memory is fuzzy! If you are unable to find out the exact time, no worries. Jason will use a rectified chart placing the time of birth at 12 noon and in the majority of cases, rectified charts are very accurate.
  3. Location of birth.

Professional Astrological Natal Report

$49.95 Regular Price
$19.95Sale Price
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